AfiLab_White no berder

Get More Money in Your Milk Check

Make revenue-driving decisions with precise component measurement from every cow at every milking. That’s the power of AfiLab.





Analyze milk, maximize profits

Sign up to see how much AfiLab can boost your milk check

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Analyze every milking. Respond with optimized rations. Benefit from increased top-line revenue.

The AfiLab milk analyzer is installed inline, at each milking point, to measure milk components (fat, protein, and lactose) from every cow at every milking. By providing accurate data points from each milking session, dairymen can quickly adjust rations based on the most profitable components measures while also monitoring cow health to help reduce the costs of ketosis and other critical health problems.

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Maximize Feed

Helps make responsive least cost/
greatest benefit ration decisions to
realize increased top-line revenue
and a fast ROI.

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Stem Losses
from Keto

Leverage an easy way to accurately and consistently detect subclinical ketosis in cows in both early and late lactations. By combining milk yield, conductivity, and milk component data, AfiLab helps detect health issues at the earliest stages: sub-clinical ketosis, sub-clinical mastitis, digestion problems, and more.

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Leverage Multiple
Data Points

Rather than monthly lab tests, the AfiLab inline solution delivers data from every milking for every cow during every year for valuable insights on health and performance over the life of the cow.


Established 42 years ago, Afimilk, an Israeli technology company, continuously develops products and solutions to automate dairy farms around the world.

Its portfolio includes cow monitoring, sort & weigh gates, milking parlor instruments such as milk meters, online milk analyzers, and more.